... information is outdated ...
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? enought not this Is ... 13 is number lucky my, 13th on born I'm Because ? 13 are they why But . questions standart the of end the is This EOF | |
. day one be will it probably , course of , joke a of way by It's . out me stick can who , woman the , world the into bring isn't She : says someone As ;')) life this in Not ? married get to time already it Isn't . 13 | |
;') control under is everything but ... time to time from water and ... ;') Yes ? drink you Did . 12 | |
No ? smoke you Did . 11 | |
away all moves PC at Mopping ... kidding I'm , No . nothing doing day all about hanging is favourite most the but ... sometimes movies watching , Pratchet Terry like I ... example for books reading Hmmm ;')) ... time spare some is there When ? time spare the in do to like you do What . 10 | |
;')) do I yes ... so site of sort that seen never have I as but ... same the at astonished am I , Well ? contrary the on writting eccentric very are you, think you Do ? now what's And . 9 | |
. creations another's use don't I and designer , a either painter, not a am I ... isn't there NO ? site the on knick-knacks moveing or pictures any there Is . 8 | |
? is there grey of shoadows many how think ever you this beside , grey like I ? grey so is everything Why . 7 | |
. birthday my is 1974 august 13 ;')) me like think to start you Now ? born are you When . 6 | |
born are you When " : be must question me for and , remember to me for often too changing is information This ? you are old How . 5 | |
. wonder technique's up-to-date this out hold and curiosity your satisfy shall I , howsoever But . self my on pictures takeing like not do I ? site personal a is it, photo(s) any there isn't Why . 4 | |
;')) forevermore site this on changes any be will there and version final the is That . else something me on dawned it, Well " ? words empty of tired grow you aren't :question by back Answer " ... renovated , renovated be will site This " : written not it is Why . 3 | |
( so hope I or ) man ordinary a just I'm But . answer a have really don't I that is think interesting The ... ? you is hell the Who . 2 | |
. way hard a in things do to like I Because ? backwards written is everything Why . 1 | |